South Jersey Family Law

Rebel Brown Law Group, LLC

College Tuition and Divorce

New Jersey Divorce AttorneyIf your child is preparing for college and your ex-spouse has stated that he/she will not assist with paying for it, consider going to court. Although the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines apply to children who are younger than 18 years of age or who are more than 18 years of age but still attending high school or similar secondary educational institution, it does not mean that both parents do not have an obligation to assist with paying for college.

In fact, New Jersey courts have utilized the guidelines to calculate child support for a child who is living at home and commuting to attend college full-time. A child that does not live at home and attends college full-time may still be entitled to support obligation, but the court will not use the Guidelines to set such obligation.

If your ex-spouse is refusing to assist with paying for your child’s college education, let us help.

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